Democratic Nominee for Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney Sees Signs of Change

FAIRFAX COUNTY -- Steve Descano, Democratic nominee for Commonwealth’s Attorney, has been humbled by the support of Fairfax County’s criminal justice community since his primary win on June 11th. Fielding a groundswell of meeting requests, Descano has been speaking to individuals across the legal and political spectrum about the reform local voters are demanding.

“I got into this race because I recognized our community’s desire to demand more of our criminal justice system. Now that I’m a democratically elected nominee for office, I’ve been able to start speaking with key figures in our local legal system and I’m proud to say that they are eager for reform as well.”

As Commonwealth’s Attorney, Descano would lead an office of three dozen prosecutors charged with keeping our community safe and exemplifying the County's values in the courtroom.

“It’s important to note the hard work of the prosecutors in the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office. They are the ones implementing the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s vision for justice each and every day.” Steve’s reform agenda centers around using our community’s values to guide the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office, as outlined in Progressive Justice. “I understand that some of our prosecutors may feel uncertain as change comes to the County Courthouse. Although I plan to implement the reforms that voters are crying out for, I do not plan to discount the dedication, passion, and skill of our prosecutors. Those prosecutors who can bring their dedication, passion, and skill to working with me in implementing reform will find a home in the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office should I be fortunate enough to be elected in November. I am eager to meet with them, learn about each of their backgrounds and skill sets, and, if they are willing to join me in fighting for this community’s values, encourage them to continue with their service.”

Steve Descano is the Democratic nominee for Fairfax County’s Commonwealth’s Attorney. Learn more about Steve and his work at, or connect with Steve on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep up-to-date about campaign announcements and events.

The Fairfax County Commonwealth’s Attorney is the lead prosecutor for the county, heading an office of prosecutors that takes on thousands of cases every year. The Commonwealth’s Attorney determines how the office handles those cases, including the office’s policies on charging, pleas, and sentencing, among other issues. An elected position, the Commonwealth’s Attorney serves four-year terms and is elected in non-gubernatorial state elections. This position represents all of Fairfax County, as well as the City of Fairfax.


Paid for & Authorized by Friends of Steve Descano

Steve Descano